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Great Cormorant - Storskarv - Phalacrocorax carbo
Storskarv - Skarv - Merimetso - Grand Cormoran - Aalscholver - Kormoran

Cormorant in breeding plumage
Cormorant in breeding plumage, Black Sea, March 2010

Herdlevær, Septemer 2009, DSLR and 400mm telephoto lens (hand held)

Migrating Cormorant, Skogsøy, April 2018
Above and below: Migrating Cormorants, Skogsøy, April 2018
Click on the pictures for more details regarding this species migration at Skogøy

Migrating Cormorant, Skogsøy, April 2018

Cormorant, Skogsøy, November 2017

Cormorant, Skogsøy, November 2017

Cormorant, Skogsøy, November 2017
Cormorant, Skogsøy, November 2017

Great Cormoranto pi
Great Cormorant, Herdlevær, 13 November 2006
Digiscoped picture using Nikon Coolpix

Great Cormorant
Cormorant struggling to swallow a cod head
DSLR and 400mm telephoto lens. Heggøy, Øygarden, January 2010

sinensis Great Cormorant
Sinensis race of Great Cormorant, apparently a regular passage migrant at Tjeldstø

Migrating Cormorant, Falsterbo
Migrating sinensis Cormorant, Falsterbo, Septmeber 2007
Picture taken with DSLR and 400mm telephoto lens (hand held)

Skogsøy, April 2008

Migrating Great Cormorant
Skogsøy, March 2012

Great Cormorant are one of the commenest species for much of the year in Øygarden, although they do not breed locally. They can be seen resting feeding and migrating in large numbers.

Great Cormorant at Skogsøy
Double Crested Cormorant
Eurasian Shag

Great Cormorant
Above and below, Tjeldstø, February 2010
Great Cormorant

Sinensis Cormorant, Danish Sector, May 2016
Sinensis Cormorant, Danish Sector of the North Sea, May 2016

This image was taken using a superzoom camera rather than a DSLR

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