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Great Cormorant - Storskarv - Phalacrocorax carbo
Storskarv  - Skarv - Merimetso - Grand Cormoran

Migrating Cormorant, Skogsøy
Migrating Great Cormorant, Skogsøy, March 2012

Cormorants are seen on the vast majority of seawatches at Skogsøy and are one of the commonest birds there. The spring migration picks up in late March and continues well into May before it drops off rapidly. The autumn migration is a much more protracted affair commencing in late August and continuing well into November.

There are a number of interesting migration patterns I will be looking into in 2006, such as the timing of the migration for various ages (it seems non-breeders also head north....).

This is a species that can often pass overland or over the fjords - in other words it is easy to miss some or most of the Cormorant passage if you are just looking out to sea.

Numbers at Skogsøy far outweigh those at the better known Utsira - probably largely because this species tends to hug the coast during its migration.

The blue line shows number of visits, the orange one the number of visits when Cormorant have been recorded and the green one shows the average numbers I have recorded in any three day period.

For further details click here

Great Cormorant occurrence at Skogsøy

Maximum: 3000, 03 September 1992. 1400 were seen 19 September 1992 - the only two counts of over 1000 at Skogsøy

Migrating Great Cormorant and European Shag
Migrating Great Cormorant and European Shag,
Skogsøy, September 2005.
Photo: F. Gaupås

Migrating Cormorants overhead at Skogsøy, April 2018
Migrating Cormorants overhead at Skogsøy, April 2018

Migrating Cormorant, Skogsøy, April 2018
Migrating Cormorant, Skogsøy, April 2018

Cormorant in breeding plumage
Migrating Great Cormorant , Skogsøy 05 April 2006
No telephoto lens at all - just the camera

Northbound Cormorants, Skogsøy
Migrating Great Cormorant , Skogsøy 01 Mayl 2006
Photo: Alf Tore Mjøs

Tveit, B.O., Mobakken, G. og Bryne, O. 2004 Fugler og fuglafolk på Utsira. Utsira Fuglestasjon

Wetlands International
Cormorant Research Group


6623visits to this side since January 23, 2006.
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