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Northern Fulmar - Havhest - Fulmarus glacialis
Stormfågel -  Mallemuk -  Myrskylintu - Noordse stormvogel - Eissturmvogel - Fulmar boréal - Fulmar Boreal

Fulmars fighting over and eating jellyfish
Fulmars (one blue phase bird) fighting over and feeding on jellyfish, Shtokman Field, Barent's Sea, October 2010

Northern Fulmar Northern Fulmar
Sleipner, 05 February 2007 North Atlantic, May 2008
Northern Fulmar Northern Fulmar
North Atlantic, May 2008 North Atlantic, May 2008

Flock of Fulmars feeding behind a fishing vessel near Veslefrikk, Norwegian Sector, July 2017
Video taken with a Canon SX 60HS

Fulmars can hold their own against most other species. Here feeding on a discarded Ling. At Veslefrikk, Norwegian Sector, July 2017
Video taken with a Canon SX 60HS.


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