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Northern Fulmar - Havhest - Fulmarus glacialis
Stormfågel - Mallemuk - Myrskylintu - Fulmar boreal

Northern Fulmar are very much a summer bird at Skogsøy, although I have never quite understood why this should be the case; the species is commonly seen in the "near" vicinity offshore during the winter months (e.g. at the Troll field - some 50 km away).  The species is regular from early April to the end of September; maximum counts are generally less than 20 and I personally have yet to see more than 100 - despite the record count being around 2300! Quite why numbers at Skogsøy seem so low when other localities, including offshore, regularly record many more is something of a mystery.

Northern Fulmar occurrence at Skogsøy

Maximum: 2300

Northern Fulmar
Northern Fulmars


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