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Cattle Egret - Kuhegre - Bubulcus ibis
Kohäger - Kohejre - Lehmähaikara - Koereiger - Kuhreiher - Héron garde-bœufs - Garcilla Bueyera

Cattle Egret are one of the most widespread birds on the planet and I have seen them in countless countries and at sea on a number of occasions.

Cattle Egret - resting of the satellite dome of an offshore survey vessel
Cattle Egret resting on the satellite dome of an offshore survey vessel off Gabon.
Cattle Egrets scavange in the streets of some African towns and cities - hence the bedraggled appearance of this bird.

Migrating Cattle Egrets, Mallorca, October 2020
Migrating Cattle Egrets, Mallorca, October 2020

Cattle Egret in goat herd
Above and below:
Cattle egrets feeding with a goat herd, Lanzarote, November 2007
Digital SLR camara with 400mm telephoto lens (hand held)
Cattle Egret - resting of the satellite dome of an offshore survey vessel
Cattle Egret in goat herd dust storm

Cattle Egret

Above photo was digiscoped at S'Albufera, Mallorca 29.05.2005

Cattle Egret
Aghia Lake, Crete, 28.10.2006 (digiscoped)

Cattle Egret migrating over Gibraltar Straits
Cattle Egret migrating over Gibraltar Straits, April 2011
Picture taken with hand-held DSLR with 400mm telephoto lens

Cattle Egret, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, November 2019
Cattle Egret swallowing a grasshopper, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, November 2019
This photo was taken from a restaurant whilst we were eating breakfast.

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