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Cory's Shearwater - Gulnebblire - Calonectris diomedea
Gulnäbbad lira - Kuhls Skråpe - Keltanokkaliitäjä (Välimerenliitäjä) - Kuhls pijlstormvogel - Gelbschnabel-Sturmtaucher - Puffin cendré - Pardela Cenicienta

Cory's Shearwater, Madeira
Cory's Shearwater, Madeira, early August 2011
Together with Bulwer's Petrel this species was the commonest encountered during a trip to Madeira.

Cory's were easy to see from the hotel in Madeira - as they often have been in Crete and Lanzarote.

Cory's Shearwater, Madeira
Cory's Shearwater, Madeira, early August 2011

The book below is by far the best available for ID of seabirds in Europe:

Cory's / Scopoli's Shearwater
Cory's / Scopoli's Shearwater, Gibraltar Straits, March 2011

Cory's Shearwater, Madeira
Cory's Shearwater, Madeira, early August 2011

Cory's Shearwater
Cory's Shearwater, Gibraltar Straits, March 2011
The clear cut dark area on the primaries indicates that this is a Cory's rather than a Scopoli's

Scopoli's Shearwater
Scopoli's Shearwater, Gibraltar Straits, March 2011
Note the underwing pattern with the pale area extending well down the primaries.
The "masked" look should be used with caution - lighting alters this feature considerably.

Cory's Shearwater

Photos above and below were taken off Ibiza in the Balearics 15.04.2005 using binoculars as telephoto lens (digibinning).
These birds are likely to be Scopoli's but both Cory's and Scopoli's can be seen around the Balearics.

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