Skua - Storjo
Catharacta skua Storlabb - Storkjove
- Isokihu -
Grande Labbe
are regular in small numbers during the spring migration with birds
seen as early as mid April. Numbers tend to increase gradually during
the summer, though most records in June and early July are not of
migrating birds as such. The main southerly migration occurs in late
July / early August - usually in periods of calm weather.
It would seem that this species is noted in larger numbers at
Utsira than at Skogsøy, especially during the autumn.
Interesting considering the occurrence patterns of the other skuas....
The blue line shows number of visits, the orange one the number of
visits when Great Skua have been recorded and the green one
(numbers on right hand axis) shows the average
numbers I have recorded in any three day period.