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Common Redshank - Rødstilk - Tringa totanus
Rödbena  - Rødben - Punajalkaviklo

Migrant Redshank on the back deck of a survey vessel in the North Sea

Norwegian Sector of the North Sea, May 2014

Redshank at Stag Rocks, Northumberland
Redshank at Skogsøy

Migrant Redshank on the back deck of a survey vessel in the North Sea

Common Redshank
Common Redshank, Tjeldstø, Øygarden, June 2016

Ensuring the next generation, Tjeldstø, April 2019
Ensuring the next generation at Tjeldstø, April 2019

The following images were digiscoped:

Common Redshank

Tjeldstø,  16 June 2004

Common Redshankl

Same bird as above but taken with ISO 200 setting

Common Redshank
Tjeldstø, 15 June 2006

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