species is the least common of the divers seen at
Skogsøy with barely a handful recorded during most years.
Compared to a number of other localities the odd ones recorded at
Skogsøy are insignificant.
It is obvious that the
Norwegian population (estimated at 5000-10000 pairs) arrives using a
completely different route than Red-throated Diver.
The species is even rarer in the autumn and I have not recorded the
species there in winter.
The following diagram shows the total recorded in a given three day
period (green line, scale on right hand axis). In order to give an idea
of the frequency of observation observer effort is presented as the
blue line (number of visits) and the orange lines (number of days the
species was recorded). More comprehensive data is available on the
Skogsøy downloads page.
The record day count is 6 individuals (03.05.1994).
In common with the other diver species the best numbers seen
during headwinds.
Bakken, V., Runde, O. & Tjørve, E. 2003 Norsk Ringmerkingsatlas Vol. 1,
Stavanger Museum, Stavanger