The city of Chania
well worth a visit - even for someone like myself
who avoids shops
like the plague. There are plenty of excellent
restaurants and the place is steeped in history. In the summer huge
numbers of Swifts put on a fantastic show in the evenings as flocks of
them swirl and scream over the rooftops before going to roost. They are
regularly joined by small numbers
of Alpine Swifts.
Chania harbour
from the eastern end)
This is where I
have done
most of my birding on Crete - largely because it is in easy reach by
bicycle from Platania and Kalamaki.
Water levels seem to vary considerably independently of rainfall - in
July 2009 it seemed like the lake was about to dry up completely only
to be full again a couple of days later despite no rainfall.
Lake Agia is home to lots of Coot, Moorehen and Little Grebes and there
are usually some heron species present. Water Rail are present all year
round and Little Crake are a possibility here too. Ferrugunous duck
probably breed here (I have seen them both in summer and autumn).
In the summer Olivaceous warblers are common both in the tree and in
the giant reeds. Alpine Swifts join large numbers of Common Swifts
feeding and drinking over the water.