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Migrating Shelduck, April 2012

Common Shelduck - Gravand
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Gravand - Gravand - Ristisorsa - Tadorne de Belon - Bergeend - Brandgans

Common Shelduck are regular spring migrant in small numbers at Skogsøy; when migrating they regularly join flocks of other species - such as Great Cormorant. The spring migration starts in mid March and continues to early May.  Very occasioanlly they can be seen on the sea in the sheltered bays - something that may indicate that breeding could be attempted. The species is also seen during the autumn, though less regularly and in smaller numbers.  

The occurence pattern and numbers of Common Shelduck at Skogsøy seems very similar to Utsira.

The blue line shows number of visits, the orange one the number of visits when Shelduck have been recorded and the green one shows the maximum numbers I have recorded in any three day period.

For further details click here

Common Shelduck occurrence at Skogsøy

Occurence of Shelduck by week number at Skogsøy
Occurence of Shelduck by week number at Skogsøy

Maximum: 31 (19.08.2001)

Migrating Shelduck
Migrating Shelduck,Skogsøy, August 2009

Migrating Shelduck, Skogsøy, April 2018
Migrating Shelduck, Skogsøy, April 2018

Tveit, B.O., Mobakken, G. og Bryne, O. 2004 Fugler og fuglafolk på Utsira. Utsira Fuglestasjon
Website: Fugler i Hordaland - Skogsøy i Øygarden 


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