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This arbitarily defined area covers the southern part of the Nowegian Sector, covering Statfjord, Gullfaks, Troll and Oseberg along with a host of smaller areas. For pictures of some of the offshore installations in this area click here.
The above picture is a snapshot from this site
Troll A plaform
It is not just birds that can be seen offshore - here a video frame grab of a Porbeagle Shark, October 2015
Black-legged Kittiwakes, one of the few gulls that can actually be called a "seagull", often prefer to sit on the helideck than on the sea. In contrast their more land-loving relatives choose to sit on the sea instead. In the picture above they have been joined by a young Common Gull..
Species seen on the Troll field | |
Red-throated Diver | Smålom |
Northern Fulmar | Havhest |
Sooty Shearwater | Grålire |
Northern Gannet | Havsule |
Grey Heron | Gråhegre |
Greylag Goose | Grågas |
Eurasian Wigeon | Brunnake |
Common Pochard | Taffeland |
Common Scoter | Svartand |
Common Kestrel | Tårnfalk |
European Golden Plover | Heilo |
Little Stint | Dvergsnipe |
Purple Sandpiper | Fjæreplytt |
Dunlin | Myrsnipe |
Common Snipe | Enkeltbekkasin |
Common Redshank | Rødstilk |
Arctic Skua | Tyvjo |
Great Skua | Storjo |
Black-headed Gull | Hettemåke |
Common Gull | Fiskemåke |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | Sildemåke |
Herring Gull | Gråmake |
Glaucous Gull | Polarmåke |
Great Black-backed Gull | Svartbak |
Black-legged Kittiwake | Krykkje |
Black Tern | Svartterne |
Common Guillemot | Lomvi |
Razorbill | Alke |
Atlantic Puffin | Lunde |
Eurasian Collared Dove | Tyrkedue |
Skylark | Sanglerke |
Barn Swallow | Låvesvale |
House Martin | Taksvale |
Meadow Pipit | Heipiplerke |
White / Pied wagtail | Linerle |
European Robin | Rødstrupe |
Common Redstart | Rødstjert |
Northern Wheatear | Steinskvett |
Common Blackbird | Svartrost |
Song Thrush | Måltrost |
Redwing | Rødvingetrost |
Lesser Whitethroat | Møller |
Garden Warbler | Hagesanger |
Blackcap | Munk |
Yellow-browed Warbler | Gulbrynsanger |
Willow warbler | Løvsanger |
Goldcrest | Fuglekonge |
Spotted flycatcher | Gråfluesnapper |
Hooded Crow | Kråke |
Common Starling | Stær |
Chaffinch | Bokfink |
European Siskin | Grønnsisik |
Snow Bunting | Snøspurv |