Species seen 10 June - 24
June 2008, largely SE of Iceland:
Once again, these sightings
are largely incidental -
little time spent actively birding.
Northern Fulmar - up tp 2000
seen daily, no "Blue" Fulmars
with them
Great Shearwater - one seen 21 June - quite an early record
Sooty Shearwater - one seen 13 June - very early?
Manx Shearwater - one on 13 June, but much commoner within sight of
land 23-24 June
Leach's Storm-Petrel - one seen 14 June
Northern Gannet - common
Great Skua - several seen most days
Arctic Skua - 1-4 regular
Lesser Black-backed Gull - very common
Great Black-backed Gull - much less numerous than above species offshore
Herring Gull - as above (by
jacob at
dresshead online)
Black-legged Kittiwake - 20 to 100 seen daily
Arctic Tern - common within sight of land
Guillemot - common nearer land, very few offshore
Atlantic Puffin - thousands seen nearer land, few further offshore
Yellow Wagtail - One
"flavissima" onboard briefly
on 18 June