race of Yellow-legged Gull, Lanzarote,
30 October 2007

race of Yellow-legged Gull, Lanzarote, 30 October 2007
Pictures taken
using a digital SLR camera with a 400mm
telephoto lens (hand held)
1 cy atlantis
Yellow-legged Gull, Lanzarote, 31 October 2007

Yellow-legged Gull, Crete,
July 2009

Adult atlantis
Yellow-legged Gull, Lanzarote, 31 October 2007

Above and below: Yellow-legged Gulls, Turkish Black Sea, May 2012

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this site,
including Natural Born Birder logo, is copyright © 2007-2012
High resolution versions of most images on this website are available
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