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"Siberian" Chiff-chaff - Gransanger - Phylloscopus collybita tristis
Gransångere - Grasanger - Tiltaltti -Tjiftjaf - Zilpzalp

Siberian Chiff-chaff
Tjeldst ø, Øygarden, 25 October 2009

Siberian Chiff-chaff are a hard bird to claim. There is a suite of features to look for but even if these are seen in the field it is difficult to prove. The call, however, is quite different. The lack of yellow anywhere in the plumage, the wing bar, rather black legs and lack of green tones all point in the right direction.

This bird turned up in my garden and is a good a candidate as any for Siberian Chiff-chaff. Initially picked up on call I thought it was going to be an Eastern type bullfinch as it gave a monosyllabic plaintive piping note.

Siberian Chiff-chaff
Tjeldstø, Øygarden, 27 October 2009

Siberian Chiff-chaff
Tjeldstø, Øygarden, 27 October 2009

Siberian Chiff-chaff
Tjeldstø, Øygarden, 27 October 2009
The yellow on the underwing is the only place this species should show any yellow.

Links to Siberian Chiff-chaff pages:
ID discussion here
British Birds vol 98, no 8, 2005
British Birds rarities committee

Siberian Chiff-chaff, Hellesøy, October 2019
This was a very vocal bird - the piping "chicken" call made it easy to follow
Hellesøy, Øygarden, 31 October 2019

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