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Eurasian Dotterel - Boltit - Charadrius morinellus
Fjällpipare - Pomeransfugl - Keräkurmitsa - Morinelplevier - Mornellregenpfeifer - Pluvier guignard - Chorlito Carambolo


Pictures above and below were taken at the usual spot on Gullfjell, just outside Bergen, on Norway's National Day, 17 May 2009


Male Dotterel, Gullfjellet, near Bergen, Norway

Above and below: male Dotterel, Gullfjellet, near Bergen, Norway, July 2015

Male Dotterel, Gullfjellet, near Bergen, Norway

Dotterel, Herdlevær, May 2016
Dotterel, Herdlevær, near Bergen, Norway, May 2016
This bird is a scarce but regular species in Øygarden

The next two pictures were taken at Herdlevær on the extreme date of 10 October 2014 - this represents the latest record of Dotterel in Hordaland county and is the only October record according to "artsdatabasen". It was species #200 for this locality.

Late autumn Dotterel

Above and below: late autumn Dotterel at Herdlevær - first autumn record and only the third sighting of this species in Øygarden

Late autumn Dotterel


This photo of a female was taken on Gullfjell, Bergen 17.05.2005 at dawn under foul conditions using binoculars as a telephoto lens (digibinning).

May 2008, using DSLR camera and 400mm hand held telephoto lens.


Dotterel are a regular May visitor to Gullfjell, near Bergen; Norway; quite possibly these birds stop there on their way up to the Hardangervidda.

Dotterel, Valdresflye, July 2017
Dotterel seen during a guiding trip to Valdresfye, July 2017
These birds were pretty much ready to go - it pays to go quite early if you want to see high altitude waders in the rather short breeding season

2307113visits to this side since September 17, 2005.

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