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Common Buzzard - Musvåk - Buteo buteo
Ormvråk - Musvåge - Hiirihaukka - Buizerd - Mäusebussard - Buse variable - Busardo Ratonero

This species is something of a rarity on my local patch in Øygarden, near Bergen, Norway where it is not even recorded annually. However, it is one of the commonest raptors in the rest of Europe and even in the east of of Norway.

Common Buzzard
Common Buzzard, Crete, July 2009
Picture taken with DSLR and 400mm telephoto lens

Common Buzzard, Falsterbo, September 2015
Common Buzzard, Falsterbo, September 2015

Pale Common Buzzard, Falsterbo, September 2015
Pale form of Common Buzzard, Falsterbo, September 2015
Both pictures above were taken with a DSLR and a fixed 400mm telephoto lens

The following images are all digiscoped using a Nikon Coolpix and a Swarovski telescope

Common Buzzard

Common Buzzard

Common Buzzard

Common Buzzard is the commonest bird of prey in Crete and is certainly among the top three in North Northumberland too.

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