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Willow Grouse - Lirype - Lagopus lagopus
Dalrype -Dalripa - Riekko - Moerassneeuwhoen - Moorschneehuhn - Lagópodo Común - Lagopède des saules

Male Willow Ptarmigan
Male Willow Ptarmigan, Engerdal, Norway, June 2016

Willow Grouse, or Willow Ptarmigan as they are now known as are not normally very high on the list of species sought after by birders. However, this may change as the species seems to be declining over much of Norway. I used to see this species regularly on the Hardangervidda but now see very few. In Engerdal I see small numbers here and there both in summer and winter. Kvisleflået is one of tbe better places to come into contact with this species.

Although Willow Ptarmigan have been reported from Gullfjell, near Bergen, Norway I have yet to record this species at this locality - Rock Ptarmigan is much more regular here.

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