Pine Grosbeak - Konglebit
- Pinicola enucleator
- Krognæb - Hakengimpel -Taviokuurna
- Haakbek
- Camachuelo Picogrueso - Durbec des sapins
Grosbeak is one of the real Scandivanian specialities that many birders
visiting Norway
want to connect with.
In my experience they are generally not an easy bird to see in the
areas I tend to frequent. My first in Norway were found feeding quietly
right on the edge of the tree line on Gullfjell in
late January 1999 -
an experience I will never forget and made all the better for having
little in the way of expectations on that day in a place where birds
are often few and far between.
Out at the coast in Øygarden
outside Bergen they are a rare
late autumn migrant
with a peak (if that is not too big a word for it) in early November.
Away from Hordaland I have encountered them a few times in the east of
Norway in Engerdal
during the autumn and winter - where they are no
doubt quite regular. This area,
like many Pine Grosbeak winter habitats, is little visited by birders.
In the winter of 2019 - 2020 there was a massive invasion into lowland
Norway and were seen "everywhere". When I finally caught up with them
in a busy car park in Oslo
took way too many photographs - here are a few of them. These pictures
are presented in the order in which they were taken. The birds were
feeding on berries and the noise of the debris these messy
dropped onto the cars below was like rain!
Pine Grosbeak, Oslo, Norway,
December 2019
Male Pine Grosbeak, Oslo, Norway, December 2019
Pine Grosbeak, Oslo, Norway, December 2019