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Purple Heron - Pupurhegre - Ardea purpurea
Purpurhäger - Purpurhejre - Ruskohaikara - Purperreiger - Purpurreiher - Héron pourpré - Garza Imperial

Purple Heron, Benaulim, Goa, India, November 2017
Purple Heron, Benaulim, Goa, India, November 2017
DSLR with 400mm telephoto lens

Purple Heron

This photo was taken using digiscoping techniques at S'Albufera, Mallorca 29.05.2005

Purple Heron
Purple Heron flight shot - DSLR and telephoto lens (hand held), S'Albufera, Mallorca, August 2007

Juvenile night heron and Purple Heron
Here is a shot that shows how well camoflauged Purple Herons can be - hiding the reeds behind the juvenile Night Heron.
Picture taken at Lake Aghia, Crete, July 2009

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