Harlequin Duck -
- Histrionicus
Strømand - Strömand -
Virta-alli - Vale
pijlstormvogel - Harlekijneend -Kragenente
- Arlequin plongeur - Pato Arlequín
Harlequin Duck, Iceland, May 2022
This pair were on the sea close to Öndverðarnesviti
lighthouse, Iceland, May 2022
Harlequin Duck are a hard
species to see in Europe away from Iceland and are thus one of the
"must see" species when visting this fantastic island. During the
breeding season they frequent fast flowing rivers - the
Danish, Swedish and Icelandic names for this speces reflect this -
"current duck" or "flow duck" would be reasonable
They are easy to see in SW Iceland, even at some of the major tourist
attractions:) I also saw them on the river Sog and other places during
my visit in 2022. In 2008 I hired a guide and had this species on the
hit list -- I was not disappointed.
This species has been seen in Norway on a number of occasions,
Hopefully the next time on the sea somewhere in Øygarden....
Duck, Iceland, May 2022
Duck, Iceland, May 2022
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