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Great Skua - Storjo - Catharacta skua

Storlabb - Storkjove - Isokihu - Grand Labbe - Grosse  Skua

Great Skua, or Bonxie as it known over much of the UK, is one of the ultimate offshore predators, striking fear into even the toughest of large gulls, Gannets and other species. Even a large flock of Great Black backed Gulls, one of the biggest bullies around, will panic when a Bonxie shows itself over the waves. GBBGs will chase and mob an eagle but not a Bonxie:)

In August 2021 close to the Brage platform the GBBGs were acting strangely and making a similar call to the ones outside my house when a White-tailed Eagle shows up. I scanned around without seeing anything at first but sure enough there was a Great Skua sitting on the sea close to the vessel, once it took off the GBBGs fled for the safety of the platform.

Great Skua, Brage, Norwegian Sector, August 2021

Great Skua, Brage, Norwegian Sector, August 2021

Great Skua, Brage, Norwegian Sector, August 2021

Great Skua, Brage, Norwegian Sector, August 2021

Great Skua, Brage, Norwegian Sector, August 2021

Great Skua, Brage, Norwegian Sector, August 2021
Great Skua, Brage, Norwegian Sector, August 2021

Great Skuao pi
Great Skua, NW of Faroe Islands, North Atlantic, 27 May 2008

Great Skua

Great Skua, NW of Faroe Islands, North Atlantic, 27 May 2008

Great Skua

Great Skua are one of the toughest species around. This species is seen commonly offshore in the North Sea and Norwegian sectors where it beats up on most species of seabird - although it tends to stay clear of Fulmars if it can.

This is one of the most regular skua species seen during seawatches off Skogsøy, Øygarden.

Great Skua, Skogsøy, Øygarden, Norway, May 2020
Great Skua, Skogsøy, Øygarden, Norway, May 2020

Great Skua at Skogsøy, SW Norway

Great Skua, Norwegian Sector, July 2017
Great Skua, Norwegian Sector, July 2017
This bird showed an acute interest in some migrating Grey Herons which attempted to land on the vessel in an attempt to avoid the skua

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