owl are at the top of the food chain and can kill just about anything -
even up to the size of Grey Herons which they take regularly.
There are few natural enemies but unfortunately they have no
defence against power lines which can electrocute and / or be collided
It seems that the potential for Eagle Owl
collisions with power lines is either not considered or,
perhaps worse, ignored by planners. Small wonder then that this species
is on the Norwegian Red Data list .....
Typical view of
magnificent species
Eagle Owl hunting just before dawn, April 2019
Hooded Crows are a favourite prey item for Eagle Owls but in daylight
things can turn out quuite differently.....
Hooded Crows can
amazingly aggresive towards Eagle Owls....perhaps it is their way of
getting their own back on this top predator.
From time to time I receive calls to go out and rescue birds - I
dropped everything to go and disentangle this bird from a wire fence.
Things looked promising for a while and it was taken into care but sadly died a few days later.
Encounters with various man-made hazards seem to account for a significant proportion og Eagle Owl deaths.....