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Grey Plover - Tundralo - Pluvialis squatarala

Grey Plover occur during winter in varying numbers, with very few recorded on autumn passage. It seems that if the Stag Rocks is chosen as a wintering area the birds stay all winter.

This species is much more numerous at the nearby Budle Bay (counts of 700 not unusual) and on the mudflats at Lindisfarne as they generally prefer muddier sediments. Perhaps Grey Plover use Stag Rocks as an "overspill" area when the numbers elsewhere are too high. There are some indications that this species and Red Knot, both somewhat erratic at this locality, are correlated. This may be due to that these species breed in the same areas.

The record count during the period I counted waders there is 12 individuals on 10 January 1985.

Grey Plover numbers at Stag Rocks 1985 -1990

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