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Red-breasted Merganser - SilandMergus serrator
Småskrake  - Toppet Skallesluger - Tukkakoskelo - Harle huppe

Red-breasted Merganser are one of the most regularly seen species at Skogsøy throughout the year but are less regualr from July to September. The diagram below includes stationary birds so some of the passage is masked. However, there is a definte spring passage and an even more marked autumn migration with a peak in the first half of November.

Once again, this is a species that is seen more at Skogsøy than at Utsira.

The blue line shows number of visits, the orange one the number of visits when Red-breasted Merganser have been recorded and the green one (numbers on right hand axis) shows the average numbers I have recorded in any three day period.

For further details click here

Red-breasted Merganser occurrence at Skogsøy

Occurrence of Red-breasted Merganser at Skogsøy by week number
Occurrence of Red-breasted Merganser at Skogsøy by week number
Note that this also includes stationary birds
Some observer effort effects are noticable here too.

Maximum: 60, 16 March 2006

Red-breasted Merganser

Mergansers heading north past Skogsøy, May 2018
Mergansers heading north past Skogsøy, May 2018

Tveit, B.O., Mobakken, G. og Bryne, O. 2004 Fugler og fuglafolk på Utsira. Utsira Fuglestasjon
Website: Fugler i Hordaland - Skogsøy i Øygarden 


4424 visits to this side since January 29, 2006.
All content on this site, including Natural Born Birder logo, is copyright © 2006-2020.  No data to be used without permission.
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