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Long-tailed Duck - HavelleClangula hyemalis
Alfågel - Havlit - Alli  - Harelde boreale

Long-tailed Duck are (or more correctly were when I first wrote this page) one of the commonest winter birds at Skogsøy, it is also numerous during the spring migration which peaks around the end of April or early May. The species is completely absent from approximately mid May until the middle of October, although exceptionally the species can turn up in September. In recent times the number of birds seen during the winter has plummetted in line with the general population decline of this species.

The blue line shows number of visits, the orange one the number of visits when Long-tailed Duck have been recorded and the green one shows the maximum numbers I have recorded in any three day period.

For further details click here

Long-tailed Duck occurrence at Skogsøy

Occurrence of Long-tailed Duck at Skogsøy, Norway
Number of Long-tailed Duck observed by week number at Skogsøy. Source: artsobs

Maximum: 425, 02 May 1982

Long-tailed Duck
Long-tailed Ducks, January 2008

Migrating Long-tailed Ducks, Skogsøy, May 2020
Migrating Long-tailed Ducks, Skogsøy, May 2020
The largest counts often come during periods of strong winds in the first half of May

Long-tailed Duck, Skogsøy, November 2017
Long-tailed Duck, Skogsøy, November 2017

Tveit, B.O., Mobakken, G. og Bryne, O. 2004 Fugler og fuglafolk på Utsira. Utsira Fuglestasjon
Website: Fugler i Hordaland - Skogsøy i Øygarden 
Svenkerud, K., Hansen, K.A. & Mjøs, A.T. 1983. Fugletrekket ved Skogsøy. Øygarden våren 1982. Krompen 12: 58-69.


4949 visits to this side since January 29, 2006.

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