Goldeneye - Kvinand
- Bucephala
Knipa - Hvinand- Telkkä
- Garrot å oeil d'or
Goldeneye are one of the most numerous winter visitors to
Skogsøy, normally frequenting the more shleltered bays and
channels. Relatively small numbers are seen on direct passage but the
species is a regular feature of seawatches during both spring and
autumn. Numbers build up towards the end of February after which they
gradually drop off and the species is not noted after the middle of
May. Some individuals can be seen from the first half of October
onwards but Goldeneye do not really become regular until a month later.
The blue line shows number of visits, the orange one the number of
visits when Common Goldeneye have been recorded and the green one shows
the average
numbers I have recorded in any three day period.