Brent Goose
can be seen at Skogsøy during the spring, usually towards
the end of May or even in early June. Often this species passes during
the afternoon and evening - almost equally often they are seen further
south at Lista or Jæren and it is then possible to head out
knowing they are on their way. The species is also very regular
during the autumn -
all autumn records at Skogsøy have been from the first half
September. Most are of
the light bellied form hrota.
As for many species of wildfowl the numbers seen at Skogsøy
are a lot higher than at Utsira where this species is seen less
regularly and in lower numbers.
The blue line shows number of visits, the orange one the number of
visits when Brent Geese have been recorded and the green one shows the
numbers I have recorded in any three day period.