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Eurasian Tree Sparrow - Pilfink - Passer montanus
Pilfink   - Skovspurv - Pikkuvarpunen

Tree Sparrow are cracking little birds and somewhat localised in Hordaland (now called Vestlandet). They are a resident breeding bird in Øygarden and also occur as a passage migrant.

Tree Sparrow, Hernar, October 2018
This bird was a migrant (perhaps just a dispersing bird) photographed on the island of Hernar where they do not breed but show up there from time to time

Tree Sparrow
My garden, Tjeldstø, 31 January 2006

Tree Sparrow
My garden, Tjeldstø, 31 January 2006

Tree Sparrow

Taken on a dull day on ISO 200 through my sitting room window.

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