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Mistle Thrush - Duetrost - Turdus viscivorus
Dubbeltrast  - Misteldrossel - Kulorastas

Mistle thrush are a relatively scarce migrant in Øygarden, turning up in the early spring and late autumn for the most part. It is somewhat commoner in the east of Norway in places such as Engerdal. Here large flocks can turn up in the spring as the birds arrive.

There is a distinct difference in behaviour between Mistle Thrush in Norway and in the UK. In Norway they are a very shy and flighty bird, often seen in remoter areas whereas in the UK they are a tame species often seen in parks, churchyards and the like.

Mistle Thrush feeding on berries
Mistle Thrusg feeding on berries, Bamburgh, Northumberland, December 2012
This picture was taken at ISO 1000 at a ridiculous 1/60th - hand held 400mm telephoto lens.

MistleThrush, Øygarden, April 2019
MistleThrush, Øygarden, April 2019

Mistle Thrush

Digiscoped image, Tjeldstø, Norway 30 March 2005. Mistle Thrush  is an uncommon migrant in Hordaland. This shot was taken through my living room window.

This species is rather commoner in Northumberland....

Mistle Thrush
Bamburgh churchyard, April 2009

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