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Lapland Longspur - Lappspurv - Calcarius lapponicus
Lappsparv   - Laplandsværling - Lapinsirkku - IJsgors - Spornammer - Bruant lapon - Escribano Lapón

Male Lapland Bunting, Breivik, Øygarden

Male Lapland Longspur, Breivik, Øygarden, 02 May 2012
Pictures taken with hand held 400mm lens and DSLR

Male Lapland Bunting, Breivik, Øygarden

"Lap bunting" are a regular visitor to Øygarden and a regular in both spring and autumn - though autumn records dominate.

Male Lapland Bunting, Breivik, Øygarden

Lapland Bunting
Lapland Longspur resting on a vessel on the Shtokman Field, Barent's Sea, October 2010
Note that this picture was taken using a superzoom camera not a DLSR

Lapland Longspur
Winter plumaged bird, Hernar, Øygarden, 30 September 2008
(SLR & 400mm lens hand held - compare to digiscoped images below)

Migrant Lapland Bunting, Solberg, near Bergen, Norway, 12 September 2017
Migrant Lapland Longspur, Solberg, Øygarden, September 2017

Lapland Longspur Lapland Longspur

Summer plumaged pictures digiscoped on the Hardangervidda,  24 June 2004

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