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Fieldfare - Gråtrost - 
Turdus pilaris
Björktrast  - Sjagger Räkättirastas - Kramsfogel - Wacholderdrossel - Grive litorne - Zorzal real

Fieldfare can be seen in small numbers during the winter in Øygarden. They are, however, much more numerous during the spring and especially autumn migrations when thousands can be seen.

Fieldfare feeding on the lawn, Tjeldstø, May 2011
Picture taken with DSLR and 400mm telephoto

Fieldfare, Breivik, Øygarden, November 2018
Fieldfare, Breivik, Øygarden, November 2018

Fieldfare, Øygarden, March 2018
Above and below: Fieldfare, Øygarden, March 2018
Fieldfare, Øygarden, March 2018

A Fieldfare that did not survive a cold spell, January 2018

Fieldfare, January 2018
I left some bread from my sandwiches for this bird that was clearly struggling.
Fieldfae eat fruit and berries in the winter when the ground is too frozen to find worms and grubs - in January 2018 the fruit and berries had been eaten up and the ground frozen for a long time. Many thrushes succumbed to a combination of starvation and cold.

Fieldfare are a common migrant in the autumn. However, they also undertake cold weather movements to escape from freezing conditions and/or lack of food.

Migrating Fieldfare at Herdlevær, Janaury 2018
Migrating Fieldfare at Herdlevær, Janaury 2018

Fieldfare - Gråtrost - Turdus pilaris
DSLR and 400mm telephoto lens, Øygarden, February 2009

Migrating Fieldfares
Part of a much larger flock of migrating Fieldfare, Skogsøy, Øygarden, October 2010

Feeding fieldfare
Feeding flocks of Fieldfare are common in Øygarden during spring and autumn

Juevenile Fieldfare
Newly fledged Fieldfare, Tjeldstø, June 2014

Fieldfare, Botanical Garden, Oslo, October 2017
Fieldfare, Botanical Garden, Oslo, October 2017

Digiscoped Tjeldstø, 29 January 2006

Digiscoped, Breivik, 16 March 2006

Fieldfare doing the garden a favour and eating a cranefly larvae, Tjeldstø, May 2011 (DSLR and 400mm telephoto lens)

Fieldfare bathing in seawater
One of many Fieldfare seen bathing in salt water, Gressholmen, Oslo, Norway, October 2020

Fieldfares feeding on fallen apples in the Botanic Gardens, Oslo, December 2020

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