tropikfågel - Hvidhalet Tropikfugl - pikkutropiikkilintu -
Witstaartkeerkringvogel - Weißschwanz-Tropikvogel - Rabijunco
Menor - Phaéton
à bec jaune
Tropicbird, off western Australia,
August 2012
For more on birding off west Australia click on the image above
is a bird
with a real WOW!
factor. A real stunner - and hard to see most of the time. According to
"The Slater guide to Australian Birds" this is a real rarity. However,
it seems that although this was an excellent sighting it is not exactly
unheard of in the area.
get enough photos of
this one...!
All photos taken with a hand-held DSLR with a 400mm telephoto lens
More on birding at sea off Western Australia see this page
Tropicbird off western Australia, August 2012